The Wastes
Type: Single-Player ; Multiplayer
Developer: Vera Visions (Retail) ; The Wastes Team (Mod)
Released: April, 2018 (Retail) ; April, 2000 (Mod)
Site: https://thewastes.net
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That was 50 years ago (or thereabouts)... by now I'm pretty sure I'm the last person on the planet who remembers life before the bomb.
To tell you the truth, I don't really miss it. I don't think we ever really had it. Civilization I mean. Sure life can be hard today... nothing you plant will grow, the cities have become nightmarish jungles of twisted metal, you've got raider scum that takes anything they want and burns what they don't and roving tribes of cannibal mutant freaks...
But then it's much much simpler.
As simple as pulling a trigger. As simple as swinging a sledgehammer into the back of someone's head. I tell ya there's nothing more satisfying.
Maybe I'm just a sick twisted old man, but hell, I'm a perfect metaphor for the modern world.
Heh heh.
My Contributions:
Besides being a co-founder of Vera Visions, I am one of the lead level designers on The Wastes. Our team at VV has exclusively worked on the Retail efforts of The Wastes, which was done with permission and some assitance from the original team. We are greatful to everyone who has been supportive of our game, thank you!
Demo (Multi Platform)
Demo (Windows)
Demo (Linux)