Domain Is Gone! Plus, Happy 20th Birthday DOOM!

Posted: 10th of December, 2013 @ 22:59 UTC
This post has been slightly modified from it's original state. These changes include:
Slight formating changes and updates to some URLs.
Sorry for not having a Blog post in quite a while, this one will explain what has happened to my site and what to expect in the future...
Taylor, the amazing modder and guy who was kind enough to host my site off his own personal domain, recently hasn't been able to keep "buffdrinklots.com". Before it went down, he backed up my site and handed me a copy while keeping one himself. This does mean however that yes, buffdrinklots.com (as fantastic as a name that was) is probably never going to be in our hands again at this point. In the meantime, I am trying to find a new domain/trying to find a way to pay for one. I'm sorry for not having an update on this sooner, for it's been a bit busy near the end of the year and with a certain game turning twenty and another one turning fifteen, I thought it was time to write this.
Stay tuned! By early 2014 I will probably have a new domain!
Twenty years ago marks the release of DOOM (at least in my current Time Zone). It wasn't the first FPS, it wasn't id's first game, it wasn't even that unique of a game back then (gameplay wise anyway), so why the hell (no pun intended) is DOOM so remembered? Well, I think this guy will tell you in greater detail better than I, but I'll talk about my personal experiences. Even though I grew up with the PSX version of DOOM, I did play it on my Desktops as a kid over the years. I definitely have played the DOS version of DOOM, and I can honestly say it feels odd to play DOOM on a source port unless it's Multiplayer or custom WAD related. I never got to grow up without a game like DOOM and did get to experience the excitement of when it came out because I was simply too young, hell I'm not even 20 years old. However, with all that said, I still care about and love DOOM, it was the first game I ever modded, which I started making maps for it (even if extremely crude and buggy) back in 2007 when I was eleven. It was the game I even created my first modification on. All those hours blasting away on Skulltag Multiplayer and ZDoom wads, those fed into my youth and memories of modding and finally pushed me to make a custom level/mod. So even if I am a little late, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday and thanks DOOM/id Software in 1993, you've changed my life, and a number of others, and are one of my favorite games ever (also Half-Life turned fifteen this year, but hey this is for DOOM man!)
That's it for this blog post. Be sure to check out Bloodbath Softworks and Dethklan Games!
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