New Hardware, Overturn's New Coder, and Other NEW(s) Stuff!

Posted: 20th of September, 2013 @ 22:37 UTC
This post has been slightly modified from it's original state. These changes include:
Slight formating changes and updates to some URLs.
This year has been a bit rough, like last year, but it's really starting to come together. Since my last post, a lot (once again) has changed, and it's only getting better...
I have been having a blast with my new Lenovo IdeaPad, for it's a pretty sweet rig. Don't get me wrong, Desktops are better and way more customizable, but this beast has some customization and is just as powerful as any other quality desktop. Also, I'm just a fan of laptops! So I'm willing to lose a little horsepower. So here's to my first post with new hardware, and may it provide many more.
Overturn! Yes, it's finally coming along at a steady rate! We recently got a new coder, the guy behind the ingenious mod, ClusterFunk and we are happy to have him along working with us! In return we will also help out with his great mod as well (maybe we'll see a Streetlevel port, heh). On top of this, we are also thinking of tackling Linux support.
Why? Back in June, I decided to switch to Linux and I fell in love very quickly. Got rid of my Windows partition, tried different distros, etc. Sometimes it was a hassle' but I enjoyed the hell out of it. Sadly, WINE just isn't good enough for me just yet, and I had to go back to Windows. Perhaps soon enough I'll go back to Linux, but in my time using it I can easily see why this would be a platform Bloodbath should develop for. Maybe we'll have a Mac Port, but honestly the guys and I at Bloodbath aren't big on Mac OS X, and don't see a real need for a port. So Linux users, I hope we can get Overturn working fine on Linux and we hope to game with you!
Servers are pretty fun to host and toy around with (for me anyway). As a server hoster, you run into some pretty annoying issues. For instance, my WON2 server is no longer being properly read by HLSW. Why? I don't know. The forums are inaccessible, and I'm sure HLSW is no where near as active as it was (maybe to the point where it's dead). GameTracker, my other server monitoring service I use, refuses to even consider WON2 protocols as it's "illegal". At this point there is no way for the public to properly monitor my server, and I don't have any other option at the moment. Sorry about this.
On the bright side, I also host a TeamSpeak 3 server now, feel free to join any maybe give us a chat sometime. We also have a WON2 channel, along with a few other games, feel free to add a game you feel is missing, and I'll eventually get around to making it look pretty.
Speaking of which, I recently won a contest held by the nice folks at Overwolf. Although I made two very simple webapps with their SDK, they still gave me a T-Shirt with a friendly letter. Can check out more info here (my apps are at the very bottom).
Last, but not least, we have decided to update our Scientist Hunt HD Map Pack. The 1.1 release should be coming out sometime after the Overturn demo, be sure to keep a look out!
That's it for this blog post. Be sure to check out Bloodbath Softworks and Dethklan Games!
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