Site updates! Plus Overturn update!

Posted: 14th of June, 2013 @ 20:16 UTC
This post has been slightly modified from it's original state. These changes include:
Slight formating changes and updates to some URLs.
It's been a while hasn't it? The biggest change you may be noticing is that my old blog is gone! Well, get some popcorn and a drink and I'll tell you all about the recent changes.
First and foremost, welcome to my Blogger! For those unaware, Blogger is a free blogging service created by Pyra Labs in 1999, and has since been bought by Google in 2003 and maintained by them. I choose this service for it was extremely easy to integrate with my Google account and was a much more flexible system than my old blog (which used nSys 2.0 for those interested). So whether you're visiting from my website or happened to stumble here randomly, welcome!
Note: I know that the old blog posts are gone, while I figure out a way to either add them on here or make an archive on my site, you can see older posts on my ModDB profile: http://www.moddb.com/members/xylem1/blogs
My Site has been through some radical changes, and I'm happy to announce what may be my final design of mod pages, comments and of course my blog:
Above is the brand new design for the projects page! While the layout hasn't changed much, the code was cleaned up (tons of organized classes) and colors were added to make it more alive.
In addition to this, I've also made preview headers when browsing mods/maps also use their animated counterparts on mouse hover. This feature is still work in progress, as I have to figure out how to make it stop from loading the gifs when you load the page itself and to add animated headers to others that don't have them.
Finally, the new comment system. While I used Disqus (which is a great service I'd recommend to anyone) since February, I decided to tap into Google's new G+ Comment system. I was very satisfied with how it works, with features such as sharing each post with your G+ and showing those who +1'd the page. Please note: This is uses an unofficial method to do this. Google's API does not support comments on third party websites yet, so it may be subject to change or not work at all anymore (if this happens I will move back to Disqus). It does not also support anonymous posts (yet). Hopefully as time goes on, Google will update this service to include this feature. Have fun! And feel free to follow me on Google+.
Now, once again, I'm sure you're all wondering about Overturn. Well progress has been slow but advancing. Right now we are really just waiting for the code to be finished, and when that's all said and done we'll have the demo shipped out and ready for everyone to play! I hope we can see a release by the end of June.
That's it for this blog post. Be sure to check out Bloodbath Softworks and Dethklan Games!
Also on: N/A