Where's Overturn!? Plus site updates!

Posted: 3rd of February, 2013 @ 00:00 UTC
This post has been slightly modified from it's original state. These changes include:
Slight formating changes and updates to some URLs.
I know what's on your mind, where the hell is the Overturn demo!
Well I wish we could have done it, but life has been rather hectic lately. We got a considerable amount of progress done, but alas, it wasn't enough. So Overturn didn't make a Christmas release, or a New Years release. Though it's been a month, where is it now?
Rafael, Overturn creator, has been on family vacations, and should be home within the week. He's tried contributing what he has been able to in the past couple of weeks, but it has been proving to be extremely difficult.
Joe, myself, along with our current coder, have also been working at a slow pace. For right now everything is very slow. However, we are about to kick it into gear and we will have this demo out, for it has been haunting us for almost two years now! I can't give a definitive date, but it will be very soon, I can tell you that much.
Comments! Something that has been very lacking on this site, finally has arrived with Disqus, a service which provides a comment system for sites such as mine. You don't have to have a Disqus account to comment on here, and I don't filter out any comments (unless it's advertisements/spam or something highly illegal). Free free to post your thoughts properly now!
Note: Comments for blog posts will be viewed on all blog posts, so be sure to state which blog post you are referring to in your comment. Also, for the time being, ignore "Comments are not allowed", for that is referring to my blogging system and not Disqus. This will be fixed soon enough.
Last but not least, Vektar is a modification for Quake developed by my good friend Marco (same guy who did Qreate), and quite a fun mod too. It basically involves players finding a randomly placed statue and destroying it to collect a "Vektar". The one who collects the most wins! Be sure to check the page I created for it to download the mod.
Along with this release, Missing Signal: Part II was released, the second part of my compilation album containing various unreleased songs I've composed over the years. Part III, the last release of this set, is coming soon.
That's it for this blog post. Be sure to check out Bloodbath Softworks and Dethklan Games