Happy Halloween! Streetlevel Progress and Overturn Dev Note

Posted: 31th of October, 2011
This post has been slightly modified from it's original state. These changes include:
Slight formating changes and updates to some URLs.
First, Happy Halloween! I hope all you ghouls and gals get your costumes ready for this spooky night, I know I got mine ready:
Streetlevel is nearing completion, mid-beta state at the moment. Here's a shot of it's current progress:
I still have to do quite a lot, but the whole layout is done and even includes a secret that was cut from the first version due to the fact I hit the limits with the first release. Expect it to be released next week.
Overturn hasn't been having it's usual progress. Why? We are very busy with school and other personal projects(eg. Streetlevel, Open Katana). I can't say we'll make a Christmas release but my hope is that we can get most or all of Episode One's mapping finished by the end of the year, for most of Episode One is still very unfinished. Sorry about this guys, I hope November will be a better month.
That's it for this blog post, if you'd like to see more of my maps check out my site ClassicHL. Also be sure to check out the rest of the Bloodbath Software team, they're a great bunch of modders.
Also on: ModDB