- Story -

You play as Ivan, a former test subject put into a cryogenic unit to be frozen and unfrozen when needed.

You are kept on ice until 1991, when a disaster happens on a ship far off the Atlantic where time-travel experiments were being conducted. You are sent to deal with the situation.

Fig#1: The ship in question.

However, when you reach the ship, you have to fight creatures that you could never imagine until now, and things are much more weirder than ever. Reality seems to have a lack of sense as you move ahead, and the world as you see it slowly deforms.

The person responsible for all of it is Ulrich Greene, an exiled Soviet-American scientist and one of the biggest freaks on the whole research team. He is replacing all of humanity's logical aspects into what he thinks is right, as some sort of purification, using the time-travel technology and alien resources, such as large-scale psyonic powers.

Fig#2: Ulrich seen here with Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev.

Ivan recovers his consciousness as he ironically had drowned into hallucinations. All he wants is to viciously fight his way through all of this, like a man of one mission that he used to be. He doesn't know where he is going, or what lies ahead, he only remembers his assignment: Merciless Extermination!

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