- Who is Bloodbath Softworks? -

Joe Baslock

Country: United States

Founded Bloodbath Softworks in 2009, Joe is a strong headed mapper and part time model hacker. He's not afraid to give his honest thoughts on anything even if that turns some heads, which we can find admirable at Bloodbath.

Rafael Cavalcanti

Country: Brazil

A talented mapper, texture artist, amazing musician, and overall nice guy, Rafael is the creator of Overturn and unleashes his astonishing imagination over it.

Gethyn ThomasQuail

Country: United States

Modding since the age of 11, Gethyn always had his primary skill in mapping but over the years he's expanded his horizons to seek out other talents. Though not the boss, he can sure act like it and has quite a loud mouth when he's not shy.